by Blair Hahn | Nov 25, 2020 | Meditations
Happy Thanksgiving! The below article was originally posted June 12th, 2019. Given all that humanity has been through this year as well as what is yet to come, I give thanks for our ability to recognize and accept every single dry brown stick. It is only after we...
by Blair Hahn | Nov 23, 2020 | Meditations
I have written about fear many times before. I understand that it is very difficult to get comfortable with the idea that we are all eternal beings that cannot be harmed in any way. We see death, disease and destruction all around us in this existence, so clearly we...
by Blair Hahn | Nov 16, 2020 | Meditations
There is no specialness between any of us. We are all Beings of Light, from the same Source and equal in all respects. We are all slices of the same pie, without sin and as perfect today as we were the moment we entered this existence. It is our ego that tries to...
by Blair Hahn | Nov 9, 2020 | Meditations
Fear. I have written about it before. We can always find a reason to be afraid. Perhaps it was originally a defense mechanism that is now out of control. We all carry little devices in our hands that shout fear at us all day long. Fear sells products and fear...
by Blair Hahn | Nov 1, 2020 | Meditations
We are faced with seemingly intolerable situations on a daily basis. The push and pull of everyday life multiplied by a pandemic, presidential election and an uncertain economic future. Just this morning I had a great meditation, was balanced, and seeing the world...