by Blair Hahn | Mar 30, 2022 | Meditations
Imagine with me that there is a small solar system that sits at the edge of the galaxy. A small planet, literally the size of a poppy seed to a large muffin when compared to its sun, rotating within the solar system with multiple other planets. It’s such a small...
by Blair Hahn | Feb 28, 2022 | Meditations
As some may have noticed, I have not posted lately. The inspiration didn’t come. If the message doesn’t come, I have nothing to pass on. That changed today and I heard it loud and clear. I have been struggling lately with how to deal with a certain situation...
by Blair Hahn | Feb 4, 2022 | Meditations
What is truth as we move through this life? We all have an idea of what is true and right and good based upon our upbringing, laws of the land, ethics set forth by academia and morals set forth by our religious leaders. These are the “codes of conduct” devised by...
by Blair Hahn | Jan 17, 2022 | Meditations
In today’s world it is very easy to give in to fear, to the anxiety of not knowing when the next threat to your safety and well-being might happen. You consider yourself generally safe and healthy, but you just don’t know what might be around the corner. This fear...
by Blair Hahn | Jan 10, 2022 | Meditations
Have you ever tried swimming against the current? Its little to no progress, depending on the speed of the current. The only way to get up stream is to get out of the current, to go around it. Sometimes, spiritual progress is the same way. The answers we seek are...
by Blair Hahn | Dec 29, 2021 | Meditations
When I was in the third grade, I remember getting my report card and riding home on the bus pleased that I had all Bs, save one C. My buddies report cards were mostly Cs with a few Ds mixed in. I felt like I was at the top and proudly informed my mother of my great...