Savasana, also known as nap time, is actually a fully conscious pose. The student is striving to achieve a fully relaxed awake state. Some may call it a meditative state with an empty mind. Savasana means corpse pose and has both physical and spiritual benefits. I searched the internet for the benefits of savasana and found the available articles woefully inadequate to explain all the benefits of the pose. Yes, many articles discuss the physical benefits of savasana, but all ignore the deeper spiritual benefits. Savasana can relieve mild depression, high blood pressure, headaches, fatigue, and insomnia, according to Yoga Journal. In addition, it can calm the nervous system, energize the digestive system and promote wellness in your entire body. Fatigued muscles relax, shoulders and jaws soften, and the mind quiets. These are all good reasons to take the pose seriously, but there is so much more.
At the end of your yoga practice, give your body and your mind the time it deserves to assimilate all that you have done, recognize that the stress is over and settle into the newly stretched and de-stressed body. Once you master shutting down the chatter and truly relaxing, take a chance and explore savasana’s spiritual side.
The physical practice of yoga is an analogy for life. On the mat, you are told what to do, when to do it and how long to do it. You seemingly have no control, but unlike how it feels in life, you know you can step off the mat at any time. Yoga teaches us how to control stress, approach difficult poses with poise and not freak out because we are not in control. All of these lessons apply just as easily to our everyday life. Little wonder that yoga will lower both your pulse and your blood pressure.
Spiritually we are eternal beings. Time and space are but an illusion and we cannot truly be injured by the practice of life once we fully grasp the truth of who we are. Our elders tell us time and again to slow down, enjoy the ride, it will be over soon enough. Can you begin to see the analogy?
What happens at the end of one’s life? Eventually, we all become corpses. No denying it, so why not embrace it and practice for the inevitable. What happens when we die? We leave the body. To ensure that when the final moment comes we don’t panic, practice leaving your body at the end of every practice. Get comfortable with it. As you quiet the mind, see yourself through your third eye floating above your body, look around and see everyone lying on their mats. Envision your body being made of sand, nothing more than an elaborate sand sculpture. Your body is motionless, completely empty on your mat. A soft breeze begins to blow and you watch your body as it blows away in the breeze. Your mat is now completely empty.
What is left is your true self.
Welcome to who you truly are outside of the illusion of this life – Pure Divine Consciousness.
Blair is the co-owner of Yoga Daily in Mt. Pleasant, SC. He is a certified yoga instructor, recovering lawyer and a spiritual student. The content of this blog is what Blair considers to be universal truths that span all dogma and religion and it is offered to you in Love and Light. Check out The Daily Yogi for additional blog entries. You can contact Blair at [email protected]. Yoga is but one path to the knowing that we are all one. Please take what resonates with you and leave the rest without judgement or offense.