Get Up And Dust Yourself Off

Get Up And Dust Yourself Off

Spiritual awareness, ascension, enlightenment – it is all much easier said than done.  It all sounds so simple, yet we never seem to get there.  Yet another parallel with the mat.  We digress, we stumble, we get disgusted and sometimes want to quit our journey for...
Candle in my Pocket?

Candle in my Pocket?

All this esoteric spirit stuff is a bunch of hooey.  Right?  You radiate Love to everyone, you hold the Light, you visualize your Light Body extending out to others, but no one else feels it.  Nobody reacts or even cares.  The negative energies don’t disperse.  Why do...
The Perfect Flow

The Perfect Flow

Have you ever been “in the zone”?  Have you ever “found your groove”?  I bet you have, but just didn’t know what to call it.  When an athlete can do no wrong, hits every shot, and is playing her sport perfectly she is “in the zone”.   Same with a musician.  Hitting...
No Negotiation, No Compromise, No Tolerance

No Negotiation, No Compromise, No Tolerance

More often than not, the message of these articles is not what I originally intended and the message ends up being as much for me as it is for anyone else.  This is one such message.   I cannot remember a more polarized and quite frankly viciously divided...
Live Life to the Fullest

Live Life to the Fullest

To follow up on last week…..Your Light Body or MerKaBa is the vehicle that consciousness (that means You) uses to experience this 3 dimensional world.   It is roughly 60 feet in diameter and its existence can be verified by science.  The electromagnetic field of...