Where to Go From Here?

Where to Go From Here?

That was the question I asked Source this morning.  Where do I go from here?  I feel like I am stuck, making no progress, not making a difference in the lives of others.  What’s the point?  Show me the way from here….   I expect I am not alone in asking these...
What is the Now?

What is the Now?

We hear it all the time.  Live in the now!  The past is behind us and the future is yet to come!  Live in the now!!  Sounds good, but what does that really mean?   To really live in the now means to trust that you will manifest what you need when you need it. ...
Your Spiritual Goal

Your Spiritual Goal

What do you intend to do over the next 24 hours?  Do you have a spiritual goal?   Do you intend to meditate, move closer to your source, and commune with your inner self?  How often do you read the Yoga Dude’s contemplations?  If you read these or other spiritual...
Hear The Song, Not The Singer

Hear The Song, Not The Singer

Have you ever judged a message before it is received simply because you didn’t like the messenger?  We all have.  TV personalities, politicians, neighbors, coworkers, bosses, family, even strangers with a certain “look”.  It is easy to discard the message because you...


This is the Japanese word for crisis.  Kiki.  However, the translation is not that simple.  It translates as “danger occasion” but it also translates as “danger opportunity”.   It’s a wonderful word.  It reminds us that there is indeed opportunity in every...
To Transcend Fear, To Transcend Hope

To Transcend Fear, To Transcend Hope

I was listening to a spiritual podcast recently and the speaker stated that transcending both fear and hope was the path to enlightenment.  There are many paths to understanding our existence in this reality and in time they all lead to the same place.  However, this...