by Blair Hahn | May 1, 2021 | Meditations, Uncategorized
What if it’s a relay instead of a race? What a novel idea. Life should never be a race. If it were a race, where would you cross the finish line, the grave? Nevertheless, that’s what we all seem to be doing, racing against one another all the way to the grave. ...
by Blair Hahn | Apr 26, 2021 | Meditations
Do you sometimes feel like you are a square peg being forced into a round hole? Family and friends put up with you, but they just don’t get it? Do you view news articles and other happenings from a completely different perspective from those around you? It gets...
by Blair Hahn | Apr 19, 2021 | Meditations
The amount of material concerning your True Self, God, Consciousness, Awareness, Ascension, etc is staggering. Everyone with an interest in the subject has an opinion as to the true path to Enlightenment. However, many of these “paths” are little more than rabbit...
by Blair Hahn | Apr 10, 2021 | Meditations
Are you tired of all the political noise? Tired of the fight? Doesn’t matter which side, it’s all just monkey chatter. Everyone spinning the truth, taking comments out of context and arguing they are right no matter what the facts may suggest….assuming we have...
by Blair Hahn | Apr 5, 2021 | Meditations
During Easter week, the message of suffering, dying for the sins of others, and rising from the dead surrounds us all. It is a message of fear, control, retribution and helplessness. It sells well and has great influence with the masses. Fortunately, however, it is...
by Blair Hahn | Mar 29, 2021 | Meditations
Change is the nature of Source. It is the nature of our being. We are in a constant state of change, just as the ocean is constantly changing the shore. Sometimes the changes take years and sometimes the changes are overnight. We are currently overwhelmed with...